
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Little Monster

Monster Dress

Sometimes my "To Sew" and my "To Finish" piles are way too daunting. All the projects are big, all the projects have deadlines, all the projects have pressure. It makes sewing less enjoyable, less of a stress relief. That's when I normally take a break, and sew something fun and totally unnecessary. Cordelia normally benefits from these fits of unrest since projects for her take such a small amount of time, and materials. 

 Monster Dress

Last night one of those moments resulted in a fuzzy monster dress. 

Monster Dress

She was more than delighted to wake up to this dress hanging on her door. Her giggle was enough to make me smile all day whenever I recalled the sound of it. She had picked this fabric out from Joann two or so months back, she begged for it, was really well behaved, and I had a coupon- which is how she earns her choices. It also reminded me of this cute Miss Monster my brother had recently bought his girlfriend. Actually when Cordelia grows out of this dress I might make her one that resembles that monster even more because I just love it! 

Monster Dress

Monster Dress

The dress is drafted off of a t-shirt, and the hood taken from the Knight Hoodie pattern. The horns I made up as I went.

Monster Dress

The claw pockets are my favorite part- I traced a pair of mittens and added claws to the end of them. 

Monster Dress

The whole thing took about an hour and a half, and it was time well spent. It was a great break from my lists, and to top it off Cordelia wore it the whole day! (normally she has two or three outfit changes each day)

P.S Thank you Shauna for taking more photos after my snow photos only yielded two usable ones! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Girl And Her Cat

C and Pig

Life often moves too fast. Normally, when I mention that fact on the blog, I am referring to the rate in which Miss C is growing. However, today I am talking about my cat Pig. And despite the fact that I am only showing pictures of Cordelia and Pig, this post is really about Pig and I. 

C and Pig

Don't worry guys, Pig is still with us, and still beloved by many. Right before Christmas he started licking the hair off his legs pretty bad, and then the weather turned colder and he started limping, and not getting up, and crying, and loosing weight. I was in tears all the time, I thought he was done for. 

C and Pig

I tend to be a little dramatic, and he was not done for. Our Aunt gave us some medicine and it worked wonders. On especially cold days he still limps a bit, but no more crying and he is able to run and jump like normal. However, it got me thinking. Do I spend enough time with Pig? Do I pay as much attention to him as I should? When the day comes that Pig leaves us will I feel like I spent enough time with him, or will I regret pushing him off my lap so I could focus on my sewing project?

 In the end I realized that maybe I don't. I spend soo much of my time doing, mending, cleaning, organizing, studying, sewing, entertaining, making busy. I think I need to spend more time enjoying my little family, and doing less. We can call it my New Years resolution- to spend more time enjoying the company of the people I love. To learn how to spend time that isn't defined by accomplishing a "project". To slow down. 

C and Pig

He has been my friend for 13 years, and pets are such wonderful friends. Pig greets me when I come home, he sits with me when I cry and cuddles when I need to be cuddled- he deserves my time. Pets never judge, and they never hurt your feelings. I know I sound like a crazy cat lady- and I am ok with that, Cordelia and I are crazy cat ladies, I have no doubt about that.