October eleventh, two thousand and fourteen marked the hubby and my six year wedding anniversary. Six years married, eight years together, roughly one fourth of my life. In fact, that doesn't even sum up our time together because we dated when we were just babies (thirteen and fourteen). So we remember each other when we were at our most awkward.
It seems that these days you can't open up Facebook without a some form of Buzzfeed/Huffington Post/Psychology Today article telling you how millennials are getting married later in life, or don't have any interest in marriage or divorce quickly, or yada yada yada. All very interesting, but I'm very happy I got married young because I wouldn't trade my husband for anything. I'm sure you are wondering what on earth any of this has to do with pipes.
This year for our six year wedding anniversary my husband took me to a pipe show. He didn't really plan it that way, it just happened to be the weekend the pipe show was. He is a fairly new pipe maker (you can check him out here) and this was his first show. Many nights with small amounts of sleep, and many days full of lots of anxiety for the unknown, led up to that weekend- which is why he looks soo exhausted in this photo. He worked hard in preparation for that weekend, In fact we both did- him making pipes and me sewing pipe bags and designing and ordering business cards and the likes.
This wasn't our first time staying up late to get things done, there were countless nights in the past eight years where we worked hard as a team to get things done- and many other nights where Brendon stayed up way past his bedtime in solidarity while I crunched to make a deadline. We have always done our best to wake up at the same time and go to bed at the same time. We have always done our best to do things together.
Marriage is hard at any age (or so I would imagine since I've only ever personally experienced it at this age) it's not always fun and it's a lot of work. But I love having a partner, I love that we always tackle things together. Through long hours of studying for college classes, late nights up with a fussy baby, financial restraints, new jobs, lost jobs, and life decisions. I'm grateful for my Husband, I'm grateful for my partner, I'm grateful for the father of my wild little munchkin because she takes a village some days.
And in case you were wondering, I didn't spend my whole weekend at the pipe show. I spent some time shopping, and reading, and enjoying the quiet- which was the best part because life is anything but quiet when you have a three year old.