
Monday, July 22, 2013

Over the Weekend With a Princess


It's really magical when your kid asks to wear something you made- I think more princess dresses are on my "to do" list because it's the only mommy made thing she is ever dying to wear! This weekend was all about "adventuring". Daddy had Miss C pick out "adventuring clothes" and we went to have an "adventure meal" (at Chipotle) and then we went Geocaching for the first time. It was pretty cool, and I was proud that we figured out the clue and found the item! That was Saturday's adventure, Sunday we lounged around, watched cartoons and then we had an adventure car wash. This is the outfit she picked out, her Cinderella dress, pink elephant shorts, and fish flip flops. 


I love how kids just go for things. Cordelia doesn't know that she isn't supposed to wear her princess dress to wash the car, she wears it because it makes her happy, and she soaks herself because it makes her happy. She doesn't have to worry about stains, or laundry (we had three outfit changes on Sunday) or being uncomfortable in wet clothes. No worry, just fun. 


I have to worry less, I have to be more like her and just have fun. I'm working on it but I have a long way to go. I often worry about everything, groceries, money, the house, my future, am I living up to my potential, am I writing in the blog enough, are people reading the blog, do I visit my grandparents enough, why did my one friend stop talking to me, am I feeding Miss C enough veggies, am I eating enough veggies, does she play with kids enough or is she going to turn into an anti-social hermit. . . and it goes on. Sometimes I worry about everything so much that I then become useless and don't get anything done because I'm so daunted. 


I think I learn more from Miss C than she learns from me. 



So while I am not the best at playing and having fun and being rambunctious and I worry too much- I'm learning, and that's all I can ask for. 


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Visiting Granddad

Dear Cordelia,

I wish that when you grow to be my age that you could look back and remember now- this age, this time in your life, this trip. This trip was a series of moments I wish to hold forever in my mind, moments I wish that you could hold forever. As much as I wish that you will never feel the need to hold moments close to you heart to fight against the sadness and stress of the every day world, I know that one day, you will understand this need. I hope that this will help paint the picture of our beautiful family weekend with your great grandfather.


As we drove over the bay bridge we told you to look out the window and see the water- this is the first long road trip that you stayed awake the entire ride- which means that this is the first time you could see the water as we crossed the bridge. You kept saying "Feet WaWa" "Feet WaWa" begging us to let you put your fee in the water. We promised you that when we got to granddad's you could put your feet in the water. We kept repeating that promise to you for the rest of the hour and a half drive and the hour long dinner. 


You waded right into the water. It shocked me because you have never  wanted to go anywhere near it before. I always packed your swim suit, and swim diaper, and towel just in case but you would always cry whenever we strayed near the water. In fact I was totally unprepared,  I didn't have any of your swim stuff.  You loved the beach, and trying to get you to leave was torture- but you would never go near the water. Now I can't wait to go back. 



You started by just putting your feet in. Then you started splashing- and letting more of your body get wet. After what seemed like only moments you sunk down into the water letting your feet fan out behind you. You kept giggling and smiling and saying "swim, swim" "swim, swim". 


After we left the beach we went back to Granddad's. You ran around like crazy, opening all of the jars of goodies on the coffee table, and taking books off the shelf to "read". Finally, when you wore yourself out you climbed into Granddad's lap (with lovey) and watched Animal Planet with him. You should have seen his eyes, you can tell just how taken he is with you- with being able to sit there and watch t.v with his great granddaughter. 

That night, when we went to bed, we were nervous about how you would sleep. We haven't  had much luck with you sleeping anywhere but your crib. It started out ok, you got in your port-a-crib (and stayed in it) but then you woke up in the middle of the night panicked because you didn't know where you were. We let you sleep in the middle of our bed, something we never do for fear it would become a trend. When I woke up the next morning I rethought every idea I had about co-sleeping. It was such a peaceful moment to wake up next to you- to be able to cuddle you close to you and hold you as you woke up. The sun was shinning through the blinds, and the birds were tweeting away and when you woke up you gave this big yawn and looked right in my eyes and smiled. You melted my heart right then. This moment will never leave me, no matter what happens in life, this moment was perfect. 


After breakfast we drove over to Eastern Neck Island- Granddad wanted to show you the butterfly garden on the island.  He was soo disappointed because there were only a handful of butterfly's- and the bushes weren't as large as he had remembered. He wanted to show you something that he remembered as being magical. I kept trying to tell him how much you loved looking at bugs and you were very content to look at the bumble bees, but he just didn't understand. It was sad to see him disappointed, but you were so happy and as we were walking the garden you reached out and grabbed his hand to pull him a long and his face lit up. 




You were very fascinated by the bumble bees, I think you would have watched them for hours if we had let it. It's funny how sometimes you haven't the patience for anything and sometimes we have to pull you away because you are transfixed.  


Eastern Neck is covered in little viewing areas- so you can watch the wildlife. It's very beautiful out there- everything was fresh and green, and the air was that perfect salty crisp you smell when you are right on the water. 







On the drive out we even saw some wild turkeys! And baby wild turkeys! 

When we went back to the house Daddy and I cooked lunch while you ran like a holy terror throughout the house. You pulled everything out of your diaper bag until you found a pair of socks. You kept bringing the socks to Granddad to make him put them on your feet. You would climb up into his lap and fuss till he would put them on you, then you would run out to the kitchen and make us look at your feet. As soon as we would look you would sit down, take the socks off, and return to make Granddad put them on you again. It made Granddad chuckle. 

I love you Miss C, I really enjoyed this weekend with you,


Your mommy 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Over the 4th of July Weekend


For the most part, I'm not a big fan of summer. Humidity, heat, bugs, pools, swim suits- it's just really not my thing. I do however, love fireworks. The first year Brendon and I lived together, he told me that he wasn't interested in watching the fireworks. I told him it was ok- we didn't have to go. I cried  as soon as I started hearing the booms outside and I realized that I really wish we had gone. I have to admit that I didn't know that I felt so strongly about them until that moment. For me fireworks have all these great memories of watching them with my mom, who loves fireworks. With each crackle and boom she would say "ooooh" and "ahhhh"!



Going to see fireworks with a kid is just plain hard. You have to make sure you pick a spot that is close enough to actually see, but not so close that the noise will be terrifying. That space must also allow you an easy exit in case your kid decides that fireworks are the most horrible thing in the entire world. You have to remember to bring lots of snacks and toys to keep your kid entertained while you wait (for what seems like hours) for the excitement to start. Lastly, and I think the most difficult part, you have to actually be willing to leave- mid fireworks display- if it is really upsetting to your child. 

We were lucky, we almost had to leave because Miss C freaked out, but she decided they weren't so bad if she were sitting in the car, with mommy saying "ooooh" and "ahhhh" with every colorful boom.



Saturday we visited Cordelia's godparents for the evening. We played with the turtles, cooked out, ate s'mores, and had a blast feeling like we were two again. 




This is "bubble cat" a toy the godparents picked up for Miss C to play with there. Cordelia has never been so amused with anything. She had so much fun being able to power all of the bubbles herself and it was loads of fun for us too because we were able to keep up with her bubble enthusiasm. Normally I get pretty worn out from having to keep blowing bubbles, this way we all got to enjoy playing in them. 




Including Daddy.     


Beautiful hydrangeas growing in the garden- I've never seen any that look like these before.


The largest butterfly bush I've ever seen too. 


Miss C made friends with this little guy. 



Miss C had soo much fun dancing and doing yoga in the yard with her godmother. My kid is super lucky to have two such wonderful, and fun, people in her life. 

Sunday we spent just the three of us. We took Miss C to a nice flat, open parking lot for some practice on her tricycle. She had her first accident too when she lost her balance and toppled over. I think it was more upsetting for me than it was for her. 

Later in the afternoon daddy filled up the pool for some swimming time. Our daughter is such a little fish, she loves to be in the water. She kept trying to float and swim, she was laughing the whole time. It was perfect. I hope you had a perfect weekend too.