
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A very special announcement!



I have some very exciting news to share!!! I have been moving forward with Robutton, and I just delivered my first batch of dresses to the cutest boutique in Kensington Maryland called Re*Enchanted! The shop owner is such a nice woman and the vibe she has created is just soo magical and I think a perfect fit for my designs. 


Be sure to check the boutique out- she has the greatest collection of items- many of which would be perfect to start to you rholiday shopping! 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day


Yesterday Brendon, Cordelia and I took a trip out to Rock Hall. My Grandfather had invited us to a memorial service at the chapter of the American Legion he participates in. The memorial honors members of the chapter who had passed away that year. This year Granddad was standing in as the representative for his branch of the military. 


I have always respected the fact that both of my grandfathers served our country. However, there was something about the memorial service that really resonated with me, and really made me think about how much of an honor it is to have them as my grandfathers. I also want to take this time to say just how grateful I am to all of the men and women who have served, and who are serving our country.


I also feel really blessed that Cordelia is getting to know Granddad. Grandparents have always been an important part of my life and while it makes me sad that she couldn't meet all of them I love that she gets to spend time with some of them. Granddad is even still up to swinging her around and sitting on the ground with her. 

I think next week she and I are going to take a trip to visit my other grandfather who was laid to rest in Arlington cemetery about six years ago. 


Granddad was mostly just impressed that his uniform still fit- this was him wearing it when he was just 21. Have a happy veteran's day everyone! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I am not a Domestic Goddess


I have discovered that I am not a domestic goddess, and I am ok with that. I sew well, but my house is kinda messy and my baking these days has been kinda 50/50, and that's ok. 


We decided to make an apple pie as a family since we had all of these wonderful fresh picked apples. I normally don't make pie, my sister makes beautiful pies- the kind of pies that belong on the cover of Martha Stewart, and she has been making pies since she was 10. So naturally I stay away from pie. 


Our pie was a team effort, and at times the process was a little stressful. Baking with a toddler is difficult and don't let blogger photos convince you otherwise. 




I was a little upset by how messy the crust was. 


and by the burnt crust (I put foil around the crust but when I went to rotate the pie, because our oven is a little uneven, it came loose). However, it's ok because it still tasted good, and we made it together. I am not a domestic goddess, and I am ok with that. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Happy Halloween


Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the costumes, the decorations, the candy. However, I enjoy Halloween even more having a kid to celebrate it with. Brendon and I aren't party goers so for many years we didn't have much to do on Halloween. I take great joy in planning Halloween costumes for my little family and I am taking full advantage of being able to pick what Cordelia is- I know it isn't much longer before she will want to decided for herself what she dresses up as. In fact I would be surprised if she doesn't pick next year- she has already told us she wants to be a pirate, which I can totally get behind. 


Cordelia was a bumblebee and I thought for a moment that she would refuse to wear her wings- which really surprised me because she has pink fairy wings she loves.


 My mother's church does an activity called Trunk or Treat. It's a lot of fun, it normally involves a pot luck, some fun activities, and then the church members decorate the trunks of their cars and the kids get to trick or treat in the parking lot. Cordelia went this year and had a lot of fun- and it was nice for me that she got more use out of her costume than just the one night of Halloween. 



They had a cupcake walk (participants walked around dots with numbers on them and when the music stopped a number was picked out of a hat, and the player on that number got a cupcake). Cordelia got really excited as soon as she saw the cupcakes but the game was a little confusing for her- the girl running the game noticed and called Miss C's name really fast.


This Halloween I learned that taking pictures of a toddler, hyped up on sugar, in low lighting, is incredibly difficult! 

On Halloween night Brendon and I complemented Cordelia's bee costume by dressing as a Bee Keeper and a Flower! I can't take credit for the idea- my brother suggested it after watching the price is right. Brendon's bee keeper outfit was pretty easy- just a disposable work suit, and we covered his straw hat with a drape. My flower costume turned out ok- but it was the last thing to get done and it didn't really match my vision.


Cordelia's costume was perfect. I was really proud of my idea to use lace as the black stripes and I love how well the yellow of her dress matched the yellow of her wings! Did you have a happy Halloween? Did you dress up and do anything fun?