
Monday, May 20, 2013

Over the Weekend (and some other ramblings)


Today I opened my computer and thought- I have nothing to say. I have said it all. Again, and  again. I know that really there are things I could say- but I am feeling kind of repetitive, and blah. Really, I am just feeling blah, so please forgive my tone being not so perky. Tomorrow will be better- I think.  

This weekend we had a less than successful yard sale, I worked, and Brendon super cleaned the garage. And even though we were busy all weekend long I still feel guilty because every dish in the house is dirty, there is no food in the house, I haven't planned the meals for the week, and my to do list is insane. I struggle with the notion that I have to be perfect and do everything. But the reality is that I am a mostly stay at home mom- so everything is my "job". I think because it's my "job" I'm harder on myself too, because I don't know how to slack- I have a good work ethic, I expect the best from myself.  To top it all off, even though I want to just sit and sew and not think about anything (or read and not think about anything), I keep looking at all the amazing sewing bloggers I follow and  thinking "I'm soo not good enough for this". Sometimes I am really good at being positive about my creativity and my skill sewing, today is not one of those days. Do you ever get in a rut like this? How do you give yourself a swift kick in the tush and get back on track? I know that if I keep on with this I will sit and get nothing done- and failure is not an option right now! 


So, yesterday, while Brendon (with the help of my nephew) worked on transforming our garage, Miss C and I spent some time playing outside. Miss C received this tricycle for Christmas and every time she spots it she pitches a fit to sit on it- I say sit on it because her feet have never been able to touch the pedals. It kills her, shes just too short. That is, she was, until yesterday. 


She was soo excited! She hasn't gotten the swing of steering, or pedaling yet- and my back cannot  wait for that day to come. She had me push her around for what seemed like hours, but I think by the end she was getting a little better! I love that our little girl is so active, and wild, and crazy, and I love her determination. I think I can take lessons from her when it comes to determination. Maybe that would give me the push to quit moping.



  1. I completely understand what you mean about getting into a rut. I just recently started getting ready in the morning and gave myself work hours. I think both of things help as long as you give yourself some wiggle room, which I'm sure you need with Miss C.

    And these pictures are fantastic - keep up the good work!

  2. I can't yet figure out too how to keep things on a schedule, like cleaning, food shopping, prepping meals without feeling ruttish after a while. :/ Like you want to know you have time to get everything done, but then stuff starts to feel stifling!


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