I must admit Miss C is made of stronger stuff than I was when I was a kid- or even than I am now. When I was a kid I hated dirt, smelly things, and bugs- I was super girly. I only wore dresses, my favorite color was pink (until I learned that my brother's favorite color was purple and I decided mine would be too so that I could be just like him) I loved Barbies, and Disney Princesses. I am so happy that Cordelia loves to play in the dirt and she is fascinated by bugs, but she still loves Barbies, pink, and Disney Princesses. She is such a great mix of both worlds, such a good strong mix of her father and I too.
On Wednesday we took a trip to visit my grandmother- while we were there we decided to swing by my Aunt and Uncle's dairy farm. I didn't appreciate the farm when I was a kid- because cows are kinda smelly and dirty and the flies LOVE them but Cordelia really enjoyed it. She thought the cows were super neat and my Uncle took us for a ride in his tractor which was awesome (it was my first time in a tractor too!). Now that I have grown up I am really impressed with, and in awe of, the farm. This trip also made me realize just how little I know about what is really involved with farming and how we get our milk.
See that yellow brush thing- the cows can rub against it so they can scratch themselves.
In the tractor, after our ride.
It's awesome that you can give your daughter this experience!